Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Back home. Thanksgiving, again. This is the fourth Thanksgiving I've had since starting college. I'm thankful that college is almost over. My dad just asked me when I start interviewing for jobs, and I tried to play it cool like I had any idea about how I'm actually going to end up employed within the next year. I need to figure that out. That's assuming I don't fail and end up staying on for an extra semester. I usually joke about that, but I'm not sure I'm joking this time. I'm probably joking. But I could be joking. Stay with me here.

Not a whole lot has changed in this house in the past 4 years. My room is still my room. I think my bed might be different, but its still large and comfy. I should say "the bed I get to sleep in" and not "my bed" because I wasn't allowed to take it with me when I moved out. The first thing I get once I get mad money will be a big ole bed. That's not true. My mom changed the study into a baby play room in preparation for all the babies that will exist. It'll be cool to see my 2 year old niece during Christmas. I'll challenge her to arm wrestling. Oh cool news, my brother's baby is going to be a boy. I'm going to name him Krum.

In Thanksgiving related news, the McRib is back. Turkey is still good. And I don't want any of that cranberry nonsense. Bring on the next holiday.

I'm about to turn 22. Or 1 in grown-ass years. I said something very childish today that made me think that I'm not actually growing up but now I can't remember, which is fine evidence that I'm getting older. Not that 22 is old. It's just the point where everything gets weird forever. I'm not saying it's downhill from here because I don't really believe in hills. It's more like in Super Mario Galaxy when you try to long jump off a tiny round planet, but gravity kicks in and you just kind of orbit around a few times before landing at the same point you jumped. Stay with me here.

Truthfully though, despite sucking at school, sucking at Starcraft II, and sucking at not coughing, I'm pretty thankful of where I am right now. And that's.... well, that's just all right.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tokyo Megaplex

I don't know man. It's easy to sit here and sleep through class. And watch Tango and Cash and think about where I'm going. My brother's going to have a kid. Could be a dude, could be a chick. I want babies. 2 is too few. 4 is too many. 3? Whaterver. I want a son. More than anything. I used to say I wanted to be married more than anything. But I want a little boy to take care of and live through vicariously. No time soon. Not soon enough.

Get mad. That's the advice I have now. Whoa whoa whoa, pizza. Food distractions. I need to run more.

It's bed time. Maybe I'll make it tomorrow.