Saturday, July 23, 2011


I had a job interview on Thursday that was an hour away from my house. It went poorly and I got KFC on the ride back. I can't eat KFC and drive, but this was the first time I bought KFC in years, so I just ate it in the parking lot. I've watched five movies since then.

This is really it. Life after college is simply looking for a shitty way to spend my day so that I can buy food at trivia a few nights a week. I was going to apply for a job at the Blockbuster right by the apartment I'm going to be staying at indefinitely, but that no longer exists. I always wanted to work at a Borders but those are closing too. I'll pick up some books first.

Making under minimum wage works for now. I know I'll want to do real things one day and get many thousands of dollars while I'm doing it, but now I'm fine with merely existing. If time is an illusion then the only thing I need right now is a tennis racquet. And I spose some balls too.

Harry Potter and Captain America were both pretty cool. Everyone was bummed when Harry Potter 7-2 ended because "it's really over." I wonder how long it will be until other people start publishing within the Harry Potter universe, similar to the hundreds of Star Wars glorified fan fiction extended universe novels out there. Some of those will maybe be good. I'm also excited about the kick-ass video games that are bound to get made now that they can focus on creating a quality product as opposed to throwing together something to quickly send off with the release of each movie. There's so much potential left in this ridiculously popular world, it's not just going to end after 8 movies. I mean, I haven't even been to the theme park yet.

But nah, The HP was a good one. I'll probably read them again, one day. Since I only read each book once, and usually read them in a very short time span I thought it would be interesting to see how I rate each book now and then again after I read them again. Here is the list that I came up with. I threw the movies in there too just for fun.

Books         Movies
4                  3
3                  1
1                  4
6                  6
2                  7.2
7                  2
5                  7.1

I'd probably change those around if I thought about it more, and I'd have to watch all of the movies again to make a real list, but that's what I'm going with. Only thing for sure is that 5 was not enjoyable.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

new teeth

Step 1: Learn how to wake up.

The Fighter
December 17, 2010
Budget: $25,000,000
Gross: $93,571,803 (USA) (27 March 2011)