Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

You take that apple through that door and you're asking for detention

Homer wrote, so I'll write. That's the thought process that just went through my head. I now type between 4 and 8 hours a day at work, so maybe that's why I don't feel like doing this anymore. Or maybe I'm fine with the routine I've worked myself into. I'm downloading somewhere around 20 computer games that I've bought or acquired through the last few years just so I can have them on my computer. At this point I like the idea of games more than actually playing them.

Fantasy football is the most surprising and pleasant surprise I've discovered recently. Sundays are now one of the best days of the week. Thursday and Friday are probably the worst. I go see a movie every Tuesday now. These are the ones I've seen:

Lion King 3D
Shark Night 3D
Our Idiot Brother
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Cowboys and Aliens
Captain America

You know what really grinds my gears. Screwdrivers. And screws. Way too many flavors.