Friday, November 27, 2009

Oh God, uh, tater salad.

From Moodock:

Sometimes I tell people that I am excited about the ability to be crazy in old age. Reading what I write makes me think that I am perhaps at that age. I'm not sure I make sense, at least not to others. But that's the enjoyment of it. It's cold today, and if I could get every thought that runs through my brain down I would. Well, what about the thoughts you don't want people to know? Like what? Oh I think X girl is pretty, or X2 girl is pretty, or so on and forth such and on. Or hey, what if I ran X3 girl over like I do on the game video machine? Naw man, she's pretty. It doesn't really matter. Who am I? A student in the Honors program with the HOPE Scholarship? You bet I am. And you lost that bet.

Sometimes when I talk to myself I say things like “Shit yeah.” Then I remember I’m under Mama’s roof. Mama hurt her hand punching me in the ribs and got mad at me for not being fat. I do my best to embrace my America, but apparently I’m a failure.
Have you ever played poker as a misery remedy? Or drank whiskey and hawaiian punch alone while watching professional wrasslin? This tower’s leaning over.
What’s the cure for heartburn? Thanksgiving doesn’t get me excited.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Throw-up Shirt

November 25, 2009. Only a week until my twenty-first birthday. This is my shirt from Wirt. And my ramen from…mom…en…. I eat way too much of this junk. I love it (he loves it!). My back hurts from poor posture. Writing is supposed to make you live longer, or so I made up. Here we go!
What’s happening in the life of Bradfrey Langford. Is that a bad pen name? Yes
Response: Moodock. My name is Moodock.
What’s happening in the life of Moodock:
Moodock want’s a coke. - 6:45 PM
Moodock is gonna get himself a frakkin coke. - 6:46 PM
Moodock success. - 6:50 PM
On the trip to the dog fridge, I passed 4 of my favorite people. Mama J, Papa J, Georgia Dog, and Raleigh Dog. M and P watchin the T while R and G were watchin the me. Dogs are great. Let’s get 1.
It’s times like these when you realize, “hey!”, I’m a lonely guy. Sitting here. Writing my rhymes. Taking my time. Turns out I drank all the ramen juice. Sodium for days *flicks shirt*.
Is that enough for today? Do I need to leave you with something else? How about one of my posts from old moonshine land. And I don’t mean that in the alcohol. Or that in the hey vampires are cool kids, let’s watch some. You know what I mean. It’s like when you look through the hundreds of Star Wars toys and you think, man, Stormtrooper Luke with removable helmet is still the best. Because everyone wants to be a Stormtrooper, but everyone wants an identity of their own. So wam bam, Stormtrooper Luke. Or Han, if you had brown hair as a child. I did not.