Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Throw-up Shirt

November 25, 2009. Only a week until my twenty-first birthday. This is my shirt from Wirt. And my ramen from…mom…en…. I eat way too much of this junk. I love it (he loves it!). My back hurts from poor posture. Writing is supposed to make you live longer, or so I made up. Here we go!
What’s happening in the life of Bradfrey Langford. Is that a bad pen name? Yes
Response: Moodock. My name is Moodock.
What’s happening in the life of Moodock:
Moodock want’s a coke. - 6:45 PM
Moodock is gonna get himself a frakkin coke. - 6:46 PM
Moodock success. - 6:50 PM
On the trip to the dog fridge, I passed 4 of my favorite people. Mama J, Papa J, Georgia Dog, and Raleigh Dog. M and P watchin the T while R and G were watchin the me. Dogs are great. Let’s get 1.
It’s times like these when you realize, “hey!”, I’m a lonely guy. Sitting here. Writing my rhymes. Taking my time. Turns out I drank all the ramen juice. Sodium for days *flicks shirt*.
Is that enough for today? Do I need to leave you with something else? How about one of my posts from old moonshine land. And I don’t mean that in the alcohol. Or that in the hey vampires are cool kids, let’s watch some. You know what I mean. It’s like when you look through the hundreds of Star Wars toys and you think, man, Stormtrooper Luke with removable helmet is still the best. Because everyone wants to be a Stormtrooper, but everyone wants an identity of their own. So wam bam, Stormtrooper Luke. Or Han, if you had brown hair as a child. I did not.

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