Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Every time I start writing something on this thingy it ends up being way too much of a downer. I don’t mean for it to be that way, so I don’t end up posting it. I’m thinking of adjusting my strategy for the upcoming year. Perhaps turning the curiosity knob more to the left (or was it right?). TGIF (toes go in first). The mapmaker is back in business.
Seclusion is more difficult. Addition of worrisome. Foolish peroxide.
I can’t help it. I need something new.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wanna scratch my back?

It was worth a shot. For the backscratch is the only thing that remains as incredible now as it did 17 years ago. It sucks that everything we once loved loses its appeal. I want to play with Hot Wheels for 45 minutes with my neighbor and not get bored. “Crash!” What a awfully fun game. Awful. And fun. Or be in blockbuster, grab a random movie, pretend it’s a gun, and run away from Austin while shooting him.
When I have fun now, I feel like it’s just a distraction from the real things in life. It’s not substantial in any way. It doesn’t actually provide any fulfillment. I guess that’s really the problem everyone has. What’s the point of it all? Well… I know the point. My point at least. I don’t know if knowing and not being able to get there is worse than not knowing at all. It’s the whole “Love and lost vs. never loved at all” thing. It’s all dependent on the individual. I like where I’m at as much as I don’t.
So Mama Johnson and Papa Johnson met each other in school. I say middle school, could’ve been high school, doesn’t really matter. The fact is that love happened early for them. And that’s sweet as shit. I don’t want to meet my future wife while drunk at a party. I don’t really want to be drunk at a party. At least not right now.
I wonder what’s the coolest thing anyone’s ever done for me.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chapter 3


"That's Walrus."

Indeed there was a walrus on the boat.

Bricks: “You know sailors used to fuck walruses.”
Jonathan: “Have at it.” [Solomon smirks]
Kirk: “He’s wrong.”
Bricks: “Fuck you.”
Captain: “Sol, give me you gun.” [Solomon spits on the ground and smiles]
Captain: “Take note, Mahoney. Your ass is next”
Mahoney: “Captain, when are we leaving?”
Captain: “Why would we leave.”
Mahoney: “Because we’re pirates!” [Bricks draws his sword, Walrus gets scared, Sol shoots Walrus]
Captain: “Hmm”
Kirk: “Damn it, Mahoney”
Captain: “Your ass is next”