Monday, May 31, 2010

Early to bed, early to rise

I could get up. Get out of bed and face my barking dogs, my bickering parents, and that big 'ole fire in the sky. Or I could stay here. In my giant bed and fortress of solitude. I have no particular reason to do one over the other. I'm not hungry, I don't have to use the bathroom. Those are usually the catalysts that get me started in the day. It's storming outside so there's no chance of swimming or running. Not that I really run. May 31, 2010. What a lovely waste you will be.

The Pokemon Regional Championships are less than a week away and I haven't even started getting a team ready. I think I'm going to go for it though. At least it will be something to set my mind on for the next 5 days. I don't know if I'll be satisfied by any team I can get ready by then, but whatever. It's Pokemon. It's not that big of a deal.

But nothing else is either.

I've been home for a few days now. I came home Thursday afternoon and now Monday just started. I guess that can be viewed as anywhere between 3 and 5 days. It seems like longer, but the days haven't seemed very long themselves. Whatever that statement does for you. Of course I planned on coming home, waking up at the same time as my parents and going to sleep at a relatively normal hour. I should have known better since that has never been the case. The house doesn't become mine until they're asleep, so I always wait to do laundry or watch TV until then. And to make matters worse, my dad has been going to sleep between 1 and 3 in the morning, so that means I don't get to sleep until between 4 and 7. This may become a problem if I can't fix it by the time next Monday rolls around. I've been "working" on a real sleep schedule for months and have yet to make any progress. I can always fix it later.

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