Saturday, August 21, 2010

And fly toward the sun

College Living 4.0

One week done. Several more to go. I'm not sure how successful I'll be at fighting my way through this one.

I don't know if you've ever seen that episode of Hey Arnold with the Pigeon Man, but you should. What the heck I'll put it right here.

"Lonely for what? For people? No."

If only. In 6th grade my teacher asked my class what were the things that were necessary to succeed in school. Most of the students in my class responded with "friends." I disputed this fervently, saying that you are more likely to succeed without anyone holding you back. This would be true if you could manage to live your life without these "others."

"This is awful. Who did this?"
"People, Arnold."

I've taken a few psychology classes in hopes of understanding the minds of others. I can understand how their circumstances affect their mindset and cause them to perform the actions that they do, whether good or bad. This is textbook, it's just how it is. What doesn't make sense is how they can be so blind to how their actions affect other people. Others that have millions of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs of their own. As it turns out, everyone else is real too. This isn't just your story. It's an odd thing to wrap your head around (at least my head, I can't really speak for anyone else), but almost every movement you make affects others in some way or another. Think about that the next time. You do anything.

I know I'm not saying anything new. There's nothing substantial or scintillating here. It's just what I'm thinking at 4:43 AM on a Friday night/Saturday morning. Both my roommates are asleep. Or in their rooms with their lights off. Doesn't really make a difference to me, but it probably does to them. 

Remember Arnold, always wash your berries before you eat them.


ruchachaaa said...

wow. what the eff did i miss last night?

whiskey night. i wanna hear errthang about this summer that i missed.

Captain Alex said...

nothing new nothing new