Tuesday, September 28, 2010


 AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast (link)
Chicago Bears: 3-0
Tonight's game against the Packers was very exciting. The Bears might not have been the greatest, but at least they didn't give up 152 yards worth of penalties. Heh, Packers suck. Not really, they're pretty good. I hate em. And the Yankees, and the Red Wings, and the Lakers. They're all pretty good. Sports: it gives me something to get excited about. 

No time for that for the next few days. I've reached the point in the semester where I realize that the amount of work I've been doing (or not been doing) is not enough, and as usual I've created a structured schedule for myself. These things never hold together, but maybe this one will hold together. Time seems so much more available when it is listed on paper. I just need to stop wasting it.

Wake Up: 7:30 AM
Go To Sleep: 11:30 PM

Hours of sleep: 8
Hours on campus (including transit): 7-9
Hours Free: 7-9

It really shouldn't be as difficult as it will be. I should not be awake right now. Tomorrow I won't be.

Goodnight everybody.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Georgia Dawwwwggggs lost. Borderlands had a terrible ending.

I'm out of it. It's getting later and later and I slept on a lawn for a little bit. My face is burne-ded. There's nothing to say. Terrified of the future. Oh yeah? You and everyone else.

I notice problems in others. And it drives me crazy. What can you do? Drink a 4lokokokoko. Thanks Michael. Catch a blue voltorb. I wish I catch a blue voltorb.

Work work work. The worst thing about everything is that once it happens it's happened forever. How can you know if you ever did anything right? Or really wrong? Give me a score. Alex "3/10" Johnson. I hate bloggers.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wake up Jimmy, It's shootin people time.

My roommates sleep a lot. I sleep a lot. We all scream for ice cream. I don't really have much to do today. I played a lot of poker, played some Borderlands, and ate some cheez-it. I recently signed up for the Blockbuster online delivery rental service and you can rent video games which is cool. I don't ever finish games that I buy anymore, but this encourages me to hurry up and beat them so I can get a new one. It's actually pretty neat. I'll probably cancel once they make me pay. Bankrupt.