Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tokyo Megaplex

I don't know man. It's easy to sit here and sleep through class. And watch Tango and Cash and think about where I'm going. My brother's going to have a kid. Could be a dude, could be a chick. I want babies. 2 is too few. 4 is too many. 3? Whaterver. I want a son. More than anything. I used to say I wanted to be married more than anything. But I want a little boy to take care of and live through vicariously. No time soon. Not soon enough.

Get mad. That's the advice I have now. Whoa whoa whoa, pizza. Food distractions. I need to run more.

It's bed time. Maybe I'll make it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Em Wi said...

tokyo megaplex soon