Sunday, November 27, 2011

Box ed

I slept for about 10 hours, woke up for 3, then slept for another 6. My room is like my life: a mess, with sweet stuff mixed around.

I don't get it. Do other people think? What do they think about? Rucha says it's the curse of being sensitive, but I just don't know how to shut my head off. There's a spider that was above my bed last night on the wall. Now it's a little off to the side. He doesn't do much either.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Week Day 1

I just watched half of Coraline in 3D. Not the new fancy, glasses need batteries 3D, but the old plastic two color eye hole 3D. All the glasses I had when I was wee(r) were blue eye and red eye, but these were purple eye and green eye. Franklin switched it to regular half way through. A few of the 3Deeses were cool, but I still don't really care, and the glasses make watching while on your side difficult. Harold and Kumar in 3D was cool.

Coraline was neat though, I had never read it or seen it before. The movie made me want to start reading books again. I don't really do that much anymore. My imagination isn't nearly as good as it used to be. Neither is my stomach.

Half sickness is annoying. It doesn't stop me from doing anything, but my left nostril isn't working. Mama told me soups (all kinds) solves problems (all kinds). The temperature of this soup can be described simply as luke. I left it out and forgot about it when I was playing Donkey Kong. It takes 13 jalapeƱos to make my nose run.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Heisman Trophy Winner

UGA is going to the SEC Championship. The last time they went was in 2005, when Heisman Trophy Winner D.J. Shockley and the #13 ranked Bulldogs beat #3 ranked LSU. This year it seems likely that, again, they will face LSU. However, without "da man" can it be done? I'm not sure I would bet my 12 win Streak for the Cash on it.

As great as Youtube is, there are a lot of times when I just want to post a 3 second clips of something from The Venture Bros., or Little Rascals, or Cool Runnings, but the only videos I can find are 3-8 minutes long. That's annoying. I mean, just a little bit, not, 'like' a huge amount. Anyway, I saw The Rum Diary, which I gave a 5/10 rating (which according to my IMDb account means that it is apparently better than The Wizard, worse than Tangled, and the same as Porco Rosso). In the movie there was this one scene where main dude is on a boat and random chick he's never met swims up. When she leaves he says, "Oh God, why did she have to happen? Just when I was doing so good without her."

I'm not really sure what the plan is. I can't believe it's almost the end of the year... again.

Sounds good to me.