Monday, January 23, 2012

Eastern European Time

I just burned my hand on some tomato soup. We're almost completely out of food now. Today I ate a sandwich. That's it {And some tomato soup}. Also "Today" is used loosely since I woke up during the Giants/49ers game and now it's 6:38 in a morning. People mix up "lose" and "loose" surprisingly often on the Internet. The last few days have been spent mainly in Skyrim; we'll see how long that lasts.

Pandora stopped working a few minutes ago. The Internet connection in this apartment is below basement wizard standards, and it's a little frustrating. Also, the lack of doors, or real walls even, in this apartment is bizarre. Maybe I should put a picture of what I'm talking about up instead of me eating my hand. Before Pandora stopped it played four songs in a row that were introduced to me by four important friends I met in college. Actually I guess I knew one of them before college, the song came during, but whatever, the point is it kept reminding me of people. I miss those people. The hours here are long.

Sounds like my brother is waking up. And then he farts. Silence. It's almost 7:00.

I read some horoscope for me today. Apparently I'm supposed to think about taking a vacation.

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