Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chapter 3


"That's Walrus."

Indeed there was a walrus on the boat.

Bricks: “You know sailors used to fuck walruses.”
Jonathan: “Have at it.” [Solomon smirks]
Kirk: “He’s wrong.”
Bricks: “Fuck you.”
Captain: “Sol, give me you gun.” [Solomon spits on the ground and smiles]
Captain: “Take note, Mahoney. Your ass is next”
Mahoney: “Captain, when are we leaving?”
Captain: “Why would we leave.”
Mahoney: “Because we’re pirates!” [Bricks draws his sword, Walrus gets scared, Sol shoots Walrus]
Captain: “Hmm”
Kirk: “Damn it, Mahoney”
Captain: “Your ass is next”

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