Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 2010

Watching Rounders always leads to an all night poker binge. I'm getting my life back on track. This year continues to beat me in a most peculiar manner. I need something to happen relatively soon. We're all slipping into our fucked up routines. I wonder if I've reached the point where the thrill of living is gone. I'm not upset, I'm just bored. And I look around and I know I'm not the only one.

Everyone has their own way of shaking things up, trying to get things going again. Mine usually happen at the beginning of a month, and, luckily, today is just that.

Step 1: Clean up kitchen
Step 2: Go to class
Step 3: Workout
Step 4: Clean up bedroom
Step 5: Buy Groceries
Step 6: Sleep

1 comment:

ruchachaaa said...

look man.
let's just study together
right now


i'm staying in the slc til i know all there is to know about pablo neruda

also, like i've said before:
you can't just wait for something to happen, you have to make it happen.

like you alone getting up to make that workout happen, and then feeling good about yourself afterward.

and hell, i'll throw a frisbee with you want! i don't care if your stomach hurts afterward. i promise. :D