Monday, December 5, 2011

Captain Logic

I think that was from 2008. I guess it could've been 2007. I dunno. I can't remember when I was "Captain Logic." Must've been a long time ago.

I think my time in Athens is coming to an end. This past 'semester' has flown by and now I have to figure out how to move this TV again. Do you still call it a semester if you're not in school? I have been working for five months. I have made the equivalent of working 15 days at a "real" job. That is not an exaggeration. And that is disgusting. Unfortunately I haven't had a "real" job even acknowledge the fact that I've sent in an application in almost three months. I put in my "I'm done with this job notice." Actually, all I had to do was fill out a survey, one of the questions was "Do you plan on continuing to work here in 2012." No.

I just don't know what to do. All the options seem pretty awful. I'm just going to go exist in another location. And this is me saying this after having a very, very nice birthday. Maybe I grew up expecting too much out of this point in my life. January 25, 2008 at 4:44 A.M. I wrote - "There really isn't a whole lot to do except to keep waiting for something to happen. Just keep doing whatever until it does." I can't do this anymore. That was almost four years ago. Four years. Yikes, what have I done?

My biggest fear is getting stuck. That's why I don't want a job. I don't see how I could do something anywhere ever. That's a funny statement. I wish I had money now so I could put off making money. I just want to see things. We never went anywhere real on vacations. Georgia used to suck, now I don't know how to leave. Chicago is cold. I don't know why I didn't move to Atlanta, that still makes the most sense. I've still never been to Las Vegas, or anywhere west of Plano, Texas. Why didn't I do anything? Why don't I ever do anything?

A friend told me he explored the continent when he turned 23. That's what I want to do.

Not as fun by yourself.


Em Wi said...

Let me just say, I used to freak out about the moment you're in and that I soon will be in as well, but it's actually kind of exciting. You can do anything you want right now. You have absolutely nothing holding you back (except maybe some money), but you could really just move to any city, get a job, even if it sucks, but then get to live in that city. (You could go teach English in Japan!) Also as a side note, he traveled the world by himself and had plenty of fun. Whatever you do, it'll be good promise. You just have to get past the scary change part (which is easier said than done, I know).

ruchachaaa said...

Emily's right. There's so much opportunity right now while we're still young. Sitting in front of a computer all day and waiting for the crappiness to pass isn't worth it. Get up and go do something! It'll be way more fun and rewarding. Especially while you still have sturdy legs and some good trivia left in that brain. TV on DVD can wait.

There are a lot of programs that pay people to do good things and allow people to enjoy themselves in the process. You just have to find them.

Captain Alex said...

Whoa guys, stop reading this nonsense. It's bad for you.