Sunday, March 16, 2008


I just really hurt my face trying to fit a Vault can in my mouth. I think I strained a muscle near my chin. That's the weirdest thing that's happened to me in a while. Now I have a headache.

Why was I trying to fit a Vault can in my mouth? Next question. Why was I drinking Vault to begin with? Next question. What am I doing up at 3:11? A better question would be when was the last time I wasn't awake at 3:11.

My phone turned out to be in a taco bell bag. Seems fitting.

This blog is stupid. Don't read it.

Stop that.

I just hit 3 4s. I'm listening to a song that has a kazoo in it. Kazoo. Kazoo.

I do not get my moneys worth out of textbooks.

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