Tuesday, September 30, 2008

North Tower

This is me. Sitting in the SLC. We got smoked Saturday 41 to 30. No game this weekend, which might be a good thing. I doubt we'll have anymore Blackouts.

I have work today. I really don't like work. Some guy just took the chair I was looking at. Now what am I supposed to look at for the next hour?

I got 120 Stars on Mario 64 for the first time in my life yesterday. It was cool. A lot of my life has been spent on video games. They're just pretty fun. Really, they are. People probably think I'm lame because I'd rather play a video game than watch a movie, but movies aren't fun. Video games are fun. Movies put me to sleep. Don't get me wrong (not that there's anybody actually reading this), I like movies. Every once in a while. Maybe it's my short attention span, but I get bored while watching movies pretty easily.

Speaking of boredom, I'm bored. I have a bunch of bug bites on my ankles. They bug me. Bug bites bug me.

Anyway Grades after week 6
ACCT 2101 - 78.15
ECON 2105 - 89.67
ECON 2106 - 90.91
PSYC 1101 - 89.36
ANTH 1102 - (No grades posted)

I think my goal of 89.5 all throughout highschool ruined me. And ACCT is just pretty tough.

I just read every post I've ever made. I think the earlier ones are a lot better than the more recent ones. Also March-August was pretty much blank. That has to do with the transition of me becoming more content with my life. This school year has been more stable than last year. I like living in my apartment, and I don't really think about life in general nearly as much. Maybe that's because I have a job and play video games a lot more than I did last year. I work at a dining hall 2 days a week for 5.5 hours. It's not a lot but I kind of hate it. It's good for me though. I'm semi-succeeding at school too. I still don't really do homework, but I was pretty good at picking classes that don't have a whole lot of it. Just rock a test every few weeks and I'm good to go. I might have to drop Anthropology though. That class bored me. I guess I'll go to class now. And then go to work. And then go home. And then play donkey kong. And then sleep.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

4:27 AM Saturday

It's 4:27 on a Saturday mornin and it's time for some blogapostin. We got Alabama vs. UGA (woof woof, Grr, go dawgs, sic 'em, oof oof, and so on and so forth) tomorrow/today. Should be a great game. One I do not have the ticket to. Oh well, if I had one I would sell it for at least $100, which would be sweet. My fingers are sticky. I'm typing like a Gonzalez at the moment. I'm not sure I spelled that right. No type to check though, my fingers are getting sleepy. The rest of me too. Sleepy sleep. I'm scared of my dreams. The range of good and bad has been frightening this week. I want to talk to people from high school. That's different. Mistakes suck. Gosh dang darn nation in the morning. Ok, I'm done for now. Adios chalupas y gorditos. I changed gordita to gordito to make it masculine.