Saturday, September 27, 2008

4:27 AM Saturday

It's 4:27 on a Saturday mornin and it's time for some blogapostin. We got Alabama vs. UGA (woof woof, Grr, go dawgs, sic 'em, oof oof, and so on and so forth) tomorrow/today. Should be a great game. One I do not have the ticket to. Oh well, if I had one I would sell it for at least $100, which would be sweet. My fingers are sticky. I'm typing like a Gonzalez at the moment. I'm not sure I spelled that right. No type to check though, my fingers are getting sleepy. The rest of me too. Sleepy sleep. I'm scared of my dreams. The range of good and bad has been frightening this week. I want to talk to people from high school. That's different. Mistakes suck. Gosh dang darn nation in the morning. Ok, I'm done for now. Adios chalupas y gorditos. I changed gordita to gordito to make it masculine.

1 comment:

ruchachaaa said...

hey, let's transfer to UNC together.
also, nice blogs. don't worry, i didn't actually read all of them. just randomly picked some.

but they're good