Tuesday, September 30, 2008

North Tower

This is me. Sitting in the SLC. We got smoked Saturday 41 to 30. No game this weekend, which might be a good thing. I doubt we'll have anymore Blackouts.

I have work today. I really don't like work. Some guy just took the chair I was looking at. Now what am I supposed to look at for the next hour?

I got 120 Stars on Mario 64 for the first time in my life yesterday. It was cool. A lot of my life has been spent on video games. They're just pretty fun. Really, they are. People probably think I'm lame because I'd rather play a video game than watch a movie, but movies aren't fun. Video games are fun. Movies put me to sleep. Don't get me wrong (not that there's anybody actually reading this), I like movies. Every once in a while. Maybe it's my short attention span, but I get bored while watching movies pretty easily.

Speaking of boredom, I'm bored. I have a bunch of bug bites on my ankles. They bug me. Bug bites bug me.

Anyway Grades after week 6
ACCT 2101 - 78.15
ECON 2105 - 89.67
ECON 2106 - 90.91
PSYC 1101 - 89.36
ANTH 1102 - (No grades posted)

I think my goal of 89.5 all throughout highschool ruined me. And ACCT is just pretty tough.

I just read every post I've ever made. I think the earlier ones are a lot better than the more recent ones. Also March-August was pretty much blank. That has to do with the transition of me becoming more content with my life. This school year has been more stable than last year. I like living in my apartment, and I don't really think about life in general nearly as much. Maybe that's because I have a job and play video games a lot more than I did last year. I work at a dining hall 2 days a week for 5.5 hours. It's not a lot but I kind of hate it. It's good for me though. I'm semi-succeeding at school too. I still don't really do homework, but I was pretty good at picking classes that don't have a whole lot of it. Just rock a test every few weeks and I'm good to go. I might have to drop Anthropology though. That class bored me. I guess I'll go to class now. And then go to work. And then go home. And then play donkey kong. And then sleep.

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