Monday, February 22, 2010

Back to the drawing board.

Had to get away for a little bit. Tried something else, but it had no soul. Guess I'll jump right back in.

I cannot study Marketing for five minutes before I get the fury. It's the same problem I had with Management last semester. It's just a garbage waste of life class.

Common types of questions:
- Projective technique
> If a Wendy's hamburger could talk to a McDonald's or a Burger King hamburger, what would it say?

That's a slide. The entire slide. I hate you, Marketing. It's the shit of the bull. It sucks that I'm going to get a D in this class because I never go and I can't bring myself to memorize this... this. Chapter 8: Marketing Research. I'm sorry Mrs. Teacher, I do not care what you have to say to me. Take my $900 and go.

I'm losing the race right now. I try simple tricks to catch up and I fall further behind. I sometimes worry, I sometimes don't. 2010 has sucked, but I'm enjoying it.

1 comment:

ruchachaaa said...