Friday, April 23, 2010

Isn't that right, Bob?

"To tell the truth... she was my first love. But broke my heart... and left me for another. Haaaaa Haa Ha Heh hehhh."- The man who is one hundred plus three years old about a 99 year old woman who just died (Dreams). I guess by that age, everything is sort of a joke. But love is still there, even love lost. It's hard not to be excited about the possibilities involved with every age in life. And that is why I want to live as long as possible.

I enjoy becoming emotionally involved with most things I experience. I've brought up crying in movies before, and I know men get criticized for it, women too I guess. But everyone is taught in grade school to try and make the reader or viewer feel whatever the characters in a story are feeling. So really, isn't connecting emotionally with everything the point? This will probably result in a heart attack.

And so what if it's "bad" by some people's standards, enjoy it anyway. I know I've argued about whether something is bad or not, but in the end it doesn't really matter. You aren't superior if you have better taste than someone else. And it doesn't solve anything to berate someone for their likes and dislikes. The way I see it, the person who gets enjoyment out of everything is clearly the winner over the person who searches high and low for the fault in everything. That being said, I really do think It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is an awful show. But it makes some people smile. And that's cool.

I'm at my apartment. By myself. Alone. It. Is. Refreshing? I often wonder what this year would have been like if I really did live by myself. And by that I mean not having people over much, or never at all. I know I messed up a lot this year. I've started to panic lately when I think about it. But whatever. Everything passes. Including kidney stones and ice-cream trucks.

It's almost done.

Good Morning.

I think it might be getting to the point where every thought I have is one that I've already thought before. Including that one. And around she goes.

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