Friday, July 30, 2010

Yakety Yak.

Now it's the morning. It's always interesting reading what I wrote the night before after I've slept. It's not that I was so messed up that I don't remember what I said, it's more just being able to come at it from a different perspective. The things about last night that were crawling under my skin at the time I wrote that post aren't as prominent now in my current thoughts. It all still bothers me if I think about it, but this headache is making it easy not to think about it.

Truthfully, I just complain too much. You know that old man that doesn't accept anything because it's young and foolish? That's me. And that's young and foolish. Instead of actually doing anything to remedy my situation, I'm more content just complaining about everything while I go along. Usually the situation resolves itself if you give it time. I consider graduation to be the time when most of my situations will resolve themselves, and even though I'm terrified of the uncertainty that many, many graduates face I am becoming more thrilled with the idea of just being done with college. 

It was so strange at first, getting thrown into a dorm full of absolutely awful humans. People just like me. "Well I'm just going to stay in my room and do my homework." This lasted about two weeks. "Well, maybe I'll do my calculus homework in the lobby and that pretty girl will talk to me." This is how I made my friends. "Well, maybe I'll spend some time with these people, even though I have nothing in common with them." Heh!

Now it's just a tumblepot of rehashed adventure. Three years gone, just like that. I'm getting old and growned. My mustache is rubbable. My elbow hurts from nothing. I looked through glasses and my vision improved. 


ruchachaaa said...

"I look through glasses and my vision improved" ....


Jimmy Bullock said...

you complain about how much you complain too much. it's a yo dawg/inception scenario, xzibit and leo would be proud.