Sunday, March 20, 2011

Youooouoooo, good soul. My friends have brought you to me. You must be kind. You must be... Light..footed.

Cowboy Bebop has cool music. They say it's a show I would enjoy. I trust them, but I don't yet have watched it. Milk floats in space. Space floats in milk.

So I don't write much, because now I'm too old to write right. It's sillyness to feel. Childish is the root of everything and is frowned upon past 12. Disguise your guise to come across differently than you are while hiding the truth which is still accessible to those who seek it.


I've always been pretty susceptible to it. The Wizard of Oz. Bubble Bobble. Animated Lord of the Rings. Return to Zork. Music hits me pretty hard. A creepy tune will set me off for weeks. I've been fascinated by Twin Peaks lately, but I cannot bring myself to watch it. I'm terrified. There's one specific scene which I refuse to even think about even though I am amazed at how much it ruins my day. I can't help but sneaking peaks at it in my mind every couple hours just to have that feeling of terror. It doesn't make sense. It's not real, the person is an actor, I've locked my door. It's not real. I probably won't finish the series this year.

Next, real fears. Money, love, loss, school, friends, children. All the same. I've had this entire post mapped in my head for a week, but now I just don't care to write it. Everyone already knows. Maybe I'll do it later. Not likely. Many things happen in the forest of the spirits... You must be wary.

1 comment:

ruchachaaa said...

alex you nuts.

also of note, the word verification for this comment is funry, which i find funny.