Monday, December 13, 2010

At least the steak bites were good.

Three days in a row. At least I'm miserable enough to keep this up, and I don't think it will end soon either. I keep thinking about it, and I just get furious. I could've prevented all of this. Or at least the part that leaves that bad taste in my mouth. It was bound to suck, but man it could just suck so much less if I had done the right thing. I have to stop looking so far into the future so quickly. The picture I paint always gets me down when it gets destroyed. This was the by far the best picture I've created though. It could've really been something special.

"Don't lose hope." I can't believe he had the audacity to say that to me right before he took most of it away. I wish I could lose hope, it would make all this other shit I'm feeling disappear. Fall in a ditch you piece of shit.

Now I've been in this bed more in the past 2 days then the rest of the month put together. I've been fighting off this sickness for about 3 weeks, but clearly my body doesn't see any point anymore. It's going to suck for whoever has to sit next to me during that Finance final. That's gonna be a doozee. Whatever, if I have to take an extra semester so be it. Most of my plans fall through anyway. I wish I could just sleep the next 4 months away. They're not going to be any fun anymore.

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