Sunday, December 12, 2010

Some Surprises

I'm handling this a bit better than I figured I would. I guess I expected it. I didn't think it would involve my least favorite human on the planet, but so it goes. I guess it means I wasn't as invested as I thought I was. Or maybe I just don't care as much about anything anymore. Oh well. I'm still sad. And very disappointed.

I really try so hard to understand other people. And I don't know anything at all. Nothing ever makes sense.  Left brain my ass, nothing you do is logical. Two weeks left, fuck it. I'm never going to say that again.

I just don't have anything to say. I know I'm going to wake up tomorrow and just start the waiting process over again. I'll probably pick up Warcraft again just so I can kill all the days. Warlocks are still cool, right?

I guess I can't regret it. How do you get excited? I had it figured out for a few weeks. Just another chapter in the book. I'll keep on dreaming.

1 comment:

ruchachaaa said...
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