Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Drought (noun):

It's Thanksgiving break now, and I just watched Ocean's 13 with Papa. I went to Madison for the first time in a while today. I didn't really see many people I knew.

Going back there really made me think about all the people that have just sort of disappeared since college started. I used to see them everyday, now I don't even talk to many of them. Obviously you're going to miss some people more than others, but I really expected to stay more in touch with some people. There are the one's that really stand out too. I miss them. You think, well maybe people just change, but I think I may have changed a lot too. I wonder how many people will just vanish from my life after college. Or even after this year. I don't think I would have any interaction with people if I didn't live on campus.

I don't have any real close friends. There's no one that I'm completely comfortable with. I used to have friends like that. It's strange hanging out with people that I don't really see myself having much in common with. It's frustrating too. I feel so different sometimes. Maybe that's why it's so hard for me to keep in touch with people. Maybe I'm the one not worth keeping in touch with. That's a depressing thought, but I'm not a real exciting person.

I'm a little bit bored. This is going to be the first Thanksgiving of my life that I spend only with my parents. I miss the rest of my family.

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