Thursday, November 22, 2007

McRib vs. Turkey: Round 1

Happy Thanksgiving!

I woke up to the "Thanksgiving Feast" today. We had turkey, dressing (i always thought this was a strange term for that weird stuff that goes with turkey), grapes, pineapple, rice o roni, and some nasty spiced peaches. I don't really eat much, and I also don't really care all that much about food, so Thanksgiving isn't really that great of a holiday for me**. In fact, I don't see why food is that big of a deal. Maybe it's due to the fact that I grew up solely on cereal and never had any home-cooked meals, but honestly a good meal just doesn't have the same affect on me as it does other people. I personally hate spending lots of money on food. I think it's wasteful. I can't stand going to nice restaurants because I never want to spend that much money on something that I won't get that much joy out of. I know it's unhealthy, but I have no problem getting a $2 meal from a fast food place or staying home and eating a $0.33 pack of ramen. Cereal still dominates though. I wonder how many bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch I've had in my life. Probably 2 billion.

Speaking of food, I had a McRib today. Yes, I had a McRib on Thanksgiving. No, I didn't drive to McDonald's, I already had it in my fridge. We had plenty of left over "real" food, but I just wanted some boneless pig. Unfortunately, it got the better of me. I don't think I'll be eating much more of those any time soon.

I put up my Christmas tree today. It'll take a while before all the ornaments are on it, but it still makes me happy.

19th Birthday: 9 days
Last day of class: 13 days
Last day of exams: 21 days
Christmas: 32 days
New Years: 39 days

** Dear Students: Don't use run-on sentences

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