Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Lost Ones: Volume 1

I decided to go through all of my unpublished posts today, but I only made it through 2008 before I got bored. I ended up publishing many of them though, and I gave all of them the label: [Published Later] so it would be easy to sort them in case YOU (me?) wanted to see them without going through all the other ones. Many of them were ones that I felt were too short to publish at the time that I wrote them, but now I just don't care. If I could find anything that I thought was interesting (and I find a lot of what I say to be interesting) I published it. One was simply a picture and did not have any text whatsoever. I even published ones that I thought were too boring at the time that I wrote them. Not anymore! A lot of the drafts didn't have pictures though, so I went back and added pictures that were taken around the same time period, or ones that just fit the subject. But I didn't add text, so what is there is what I wrote at the time.

Of these 16 posts, a few of them are actually full length pieces that I chose not to originally post because I was too uncomfortable to put them on the internet due to my relationships at the time and personal insecurities. I guess I've grown detached enough now from everyone else that exists so that it doesn't really matter. If anyone actually does end up reading them, I doubt they'll care too much. And if they do, well, it was there fault for ending up here in the first place. These posts that I was most uncomfortable with at the time are the ones that are most interesting for me now because they not only bring back the emotions I felt while writing them but also the emotions that prevented me from publishing them. It's like a two for one special. I've always found memories and emotions to be two of the most amazing, painful, and interesting parts of life and I try to capture them on a daily basis. Apparently, sometimes I am successful.

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