Monday, December 5, 2011

Captain Logic

I think that was from 2008. I guess it could've been 2007. I dunno. I can't remember when I was "Captain Logic." Must've been a long time ago.

I think my time in Athens is coming to an end. This past 'semester' has flown by and now I have to figure out how to move this TV again. Do you still call it a semester if you're not in school? I have been working for five months. I have made the equivalent of working 15 days at a "real" job. That is not an exaggeration. And that is disgusting. Unfortunately I haven't had a "real" job even acknowledge the fact that I've sent in an application in almost three months. I put in my "I'm done with this job notice." Actually, all I had to do was fill out a survey, one of the questions was "Do you plan on continuing to work here in 2012." No.

I just don't know what to do. All the options seem pretty awful. I'm just going to go exist in another location. And this is me saying this after having a very, very nice birthday. Maybe I grew up expecting too much out of this point in my life. January 25, 2008 at 4:44 A.M. I wrote - "There really isn't a whole lot to do except to keep waiting for something to happen. Just keep doing whatever until it does." I can't do this anymore. That was almost four years ago. Four years. Yikes, what have I done?

My biggest fear is getting stuck. That's why I don't want a job. I don't see how I could do something anywhere ever. That's a funny statement. I wish I had money now so I could put off making money. I just want to see things. We never went anywhere real on vacations. Georgia used to suck, now I don't know how to leave. Chicago is cold. I don't know why I didn't move to Atlanta, that still makes the most sense. I've still never been to Las Vegas, or anywhere west of Plano, Texas. Why didn't I do anything? Why don't I ever do anything?

A friend told me he explored the continent when he turned 23. That's what I want to do.

Not as fun by yourself.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Box ed

I slept for about 10 hours, woke up for 3, then slept for another 6. My room is like my life: a mess, with sweet stuff mixed around.

I don't get it. Do other people think? What do they think about? Rucha says it's the curse of being sensitive, but I just don't know how to shut my head off. There's a spider that was above my bed last night on the wall. Now it's a little off to the side. He doesn't do much either.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Week Day 1

I just watched half of Coraline in 3D. Not the new fancy, glasses need batteries 3D, but the old plastic two color eye hole 3D. All the glasses I had when I was wee(r) were blue eye and red eye, but these were purple eye and green eye. Franklin switched it to regular half way through. A few of the 3Deeses were cool, but I still don't really care, and the glasses make watching while on your side difficult. Harold and Kumar in 3D was cool.

Coraline was neat though, I had never read it or seen it before. The movie made me want to start reading books again. I don't really do that much anymore. My imagination isn't nearly as good as it used to be. Neither is my stomach.

Half sickness is annoying. It doesn't stop me from doing anything, but my left nostril isn't working. Mama told me soups (all kinds) solves problems (all kinds). The temperature of this soup can be described simply as luke. I left it out and forgot about it when I was playing Donkey Kong. It takes 13 jalapeños to make my nose run.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Heisman Trophy Winner

UGA is going to the SEC Championship. The last time they went was in 2005, when Heisman Trophy Winner D.J. Shockley and the #13 ranked Bulldogs beat #3 ranked LSU. This year it seems likely that, again, they will face LSU. However, without "da man" can it be done? I'm not sure I would bet my 12 win Streak for the Cash on it.

As great as Youtube is, there are a lot of times when I just want to post a 3 second clips of something from The Venture Bros., or Little Rascals, or Cool Runnings, but the only videos I can find are 3-8 minutes long. That's annoying. I mean, just a little bit, not, 'like' a huge amount. Anyway, I saw The Rum Diary, which I gave a 5/10 rating (which according to my IMDb account means that it is apparently better than The Wizard, worse than Tangled, and the same as Porco Rosso). In the movie there was this one scene where main dude is on a boat and random chick he's never met swims up. When she leaves he says, "Oh God, why did she have to happen? Just when I was doing so good without her."

I'm not really sure what the plan is. I can't believe it's almost the end of the year... again.

Sounds good to me.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

You take that apple through that door and you're asking for detention

Homer wrote, so I'll write. That's the thought process that just went through my head. I now type between 4 and 8 hours a day at work, so maybe that's why I don't feel like doing this anymore. Or maybe I'm fine with the routine I've worked myself into. I'm downloading somewhere around 20 computer games that I've bought or acquired through the last few years just so I can have them on my computer. At this point I like the idea of games more than actually playing them.

Fantasy football is the most surprising and pleasant surprise I've discovered recently. Sundays are now one of the best days of the week. Thursday and Friday are probably the worst. I go see a movie every Tuesday now. These are the ones I've seen:

Lion King 3D
Shark Night 3D
Our Idiot Brother
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Cowboys and Aliens
Captain America

You know what really grinds my gears. Screwdrivers. And screws. Way too many flavors.

Friday, September 16, 2011

on the ride home:

42 deer
1 fox
2 armadillos
1 pointy eared dog.

one deer was killed by guy in front of me

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Saturday, July 23, 2011


I had a job interview on Thursday that was an hour away from my house. It went poorly and I got KFC on the ride back. I can't eat KFC and drive, but this was the first time I bought KFC in years, so I just ate it in the parking lot. I've watched five movies since then.

This is really it. Life after college is simply looking for a shitty way to spend my day so that I can buy food at trivia a few nights a week. I was going to apply for a job at the Blockbuster right by the apartment I'm going to be staying at indefinitely, but that no longer exists. I always wanted to work at a Borders but those are closing too. I'll pick up some books first.

Making under minimum wage works for now. I know I'll want to do real things one day and get many thousands of dollars while I'm doing it, but now I'm fine with merely existing. If time is an illusion then the only thing I need right now is a tennis racquet. And I spose some balls too.

Harry Potter and Captain America were both pretty cool. Everyone was bummed when Harry Potter 7-2 ended because "it's really over." I wonder how long it will be until other people start publishing within the Harry Potter universe, similar to the hundreds of Star Wars glorified fan fiction extended universe novels out there. Some of those will maybe be good. I'm also excited about the kick-ass video games that are bound to get made now that they can focus on creating a quality product as opposed to throwing together something to quickly send off with the release of each movie. There's so much potential left in this ridiculously popular world, it's not just going to end after 8 movies. I mean, I haven't even been to the theme park yet.

But nah, The HP was a good one. I'll probably read them again, one day. Since I only read each book once, and usually read them in a very short time span I thought it would be interesting to see how I rate each book now and then again after I read them again. Here is the list that I came up with. I threw the movies in there too just for fun.

Books         Movies
4                  3
3                  1
1                  4
6                  6
2                  7.2
7                  2
5                  7.1

I'd probably change those around if I thought about it more, and I'd have to watch all of the movies again to make a real list, but that's what I'm going with. Only thing for sure is that 5 was not enjoyable.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

new teeth

Step 1: Learn how to wake up.

The Fighter
December 17, 2010
Budget: $25,000,000
Gross: $93,571,803 (USA) (27 March 2011)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Jeering Pup

I think facebook is a terrible thing. I now have the ability to read, reread, rereread, and rerereread everything I've ever said to anybody. And I usually do.

Characters that smoke cigarettes in movies/tv shows often start wearing nicotine patches the moment they get into a relationship that they actually enjoy.

If you think I'm gonna climb through a broken window in a thirty dollar suit you've got another thing coming, buster.

Keep your chin up, kid. The winter's gonna end soon, and you'll be feeling alright in the sunshine again.

Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, Swims, Programs, Games, Showers, Beds, Bottles. I still have no idea what I want to do.

I think I'm going to take my niece to the pool. That is something that has never happened in the past 197,826 hours of my life.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Big Man

Died yesterday.

I don't really go to concerts, but it's nice to have the option. Bruce won't be the same.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I lied once. I love poetry. It's difficult to connect, and I hate callow attempts at obtaining "deepness" but I'll still get something out of it.

I guess I'm pretty judgmental. But I don't think it's as bad as it sounds. If you walk a dog down a street full of dogs walking down the street, then you'll notice that each dog walking down the street interacts differently with your dog walking down the street. Fight/Flight, Bark/Bite. You can get a pretty good idea of people based on how they walk, talk, and look. Same goes with writing. In my search for pained individuals through the use of the Next Blog button, nine times out of ten I'll read four words and move on. Maybe I'll simply look at the color scheme and decide it's not for me. I don't care about reading about what movies people saw or what pasta they pasta'ed that day. I don't want to know about how much you watered your Jack in the pulpit or how much chocolate you eat on your period. I want emotion and feeling. I want to read something and hurt or smile or laugh or think shit that's a fun game (video game blogs are an exception).

Right now I'm stuck traversing through an endless stream of running and exercise blogs. Talk about discouragement, I'm supposed to spend hours running and then come home and talk about it? Sorry guys, but I've done a lot of running in my life, and it is honestly one of the most boring past times there is. I don't think I could find a way to make it interesting. "Today I moved my legs for thirty minutes longer than I moved my legs yesterday." "Today I saw a turtle." Actually that doesn't sound that bad. But shit, running is boring. If you're going somewhere, cool. But shit, running is boring.

Next we have the parental and family blogs. These are cute and all and probably show the happiest times in many of these people's lives, but still not really what I'm looking for. Two of my siblings are parents now, so I've seen some baby love lately and I understand the desire to track it and let other people know. I just don't care to read it, at least not now. My mom feels the need to tell me on a regular basis that I need to make sure I get all my traveling and everything else I want to do out of the way before I have a kid, as if she somehow thinks that if she isn't careful I'm going to start making babies behind her back. She does not need to worry, I still have some things I need to do.

Logically following family blogs are religion blogs. When I first bought myself a journal, I intended to mainly use it to connect closer with my beliefs. Now, not so much. I think faith is great, but I feel like it should be present within other things and not a category in-itself.

Now I'm on gardening blogs. These I actually don't mind so much because there's always loads of beautiful pictures. I can't bring myself to read any of the words between the pictures, but these plants are damn cool. I think there's always going to be a part of me that wants to live on a farm or ranch somewhere. Or maybe just have a kickass garden. Or maybe just have a wife that has a kickass garden. Or just have a door that leads outside.

There are a lot of old women bloggers. I guess that shouldn't be too surprising, but I still think its weird when old people use the internet. There's probably buckets of knowledge and life lessons hidden away in their daily recaps. The first post I read was title "I sure do miss you a lot!" and told the story of a woman who had just lost her mother who had been in an old folks home. The woman talks about how happy her mother was every time the daughter would come to visit. I think about this, and I think about how many times I hear people my age talk about how they want to die before they're old. It seems nice right? No old folks home, no hip replacements, no social security issues. I think this is the most selfish thing you can say to anyone. The only person that doesn't suffer in death is the one who dies.

Mother's are the most frightening and powerful beings on the earth.

I like poetry written by men more.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


"Please, leave me alone. I don't know how it ends."

I graduated from college on May 13. It has been over a month since I took my last final. It's not any better. The nights are the worst. Mornings suck too.

Remember when dreams were cool and exciting? Now they just taunt me with things I don't have. Every day I wake up and realize that, of course, it wasn't real. How could you not see it? Where have you been?

So it turns out I'm not an interesting individual. I'm a boring, unexciting old man who's going to be stuck in his house for the rest of his life. I'm sorry, I don't have enough money to see the world. One day I will. And one day I will.

The search for a job is about as fun as you would expect. I'm considering going to graduate school and taking night classes and working during the day. Then I'd be a real pinocchio.

"I can only count on myself." That's actually how I've lived my entire life. It's not the way to go. Good luck.

In my life I have only met one person who thought the same way I did, and that's not even really the case anymore. So whenever someone tells me that we think the same way, I immediately think they're wrong. And individuals usually do not think they're wrong when they believe something, implying that the two of us are already thinking differently. Do you get what I'm saying? I was told more than once in high school that I was unlike anybody else people had ever met. This was not always a good thing, but it was a "thing" nonetheless. Now, maybe I've lost some of my true self in the shit pipe that was the college experience, but honestly I haven't changed that much. I thought I had for a while, but it's not true. Four years later, I'm still the same overly romanticized individual that hides almost everything he's really thinking.

Maybe that's why I like writing here despite hating blogs in general. I don't want anyone to read it, I don't write for anyone but myself. It helps me see the things that never find their way into conversations. Which is a problem with how we are. Text messages, facebook, skype. It's next to impossible to create a situation where I can talk real shit with someone face to face.

There's a dog at my house now named Penny. I think she is here to show me what I really am, both the positives and negatives. I love her and think she is great when she's comfortable, but she is also the most skiddish creature I've ever met. Any wrong movement makes her nervous. Any deviation from her set plan creates an unearthly fiasco. I'm not much different. I have a set way for how I think things should be. And it works for a while, but it's not right. I don't know why I stopped everything for the past five months. It was if I knew time was limited and had to trap it. In response I was nervous, I blanked, time sped up, I missed it. Oops. Better luck next time. Fucker.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Youooouoooo, good soul. My friends have brought you to me. You must be kind. You must be... Light..footed.

Cowboy Bebop has cool music. They say it's a show I would enjoy. I trust them, but I don't yet have watched it. Milk floats in space. Space floats in milk.

So I don't write much, because now I'm too old to write right. It's sillyness to feel. Childish is the root of everything and is frowned upon past 12. Disguise your guise to come across differently than you are while hiding the truth which is still accessible to those who seek it.


I've always been pretty susceptible to it. The Wizard of Oz. Bubble Bobble. Animated Lord of the Rings. Return to Zork. Music hits me pretty hard. A creepy tune will set me off for weeks. I've been fascinated by Twin Peaks lately, but I cannot bring myself to watch it. I'm terrified. There's one specific scene which I refuse to even think about even though I am amazed at how much it ruins my day. I can't help but sneaking peaks at it in my mind every couple hours just to have that feeling of terror. It doesn't make sense. It's not real, the person is an actor, I've locked my door. It's not real. I probably won't finish the series this year.

Next, real fears. Money, love, loss, school, friends, children. All the same. I've had this entire post mapped in my head for a week, but now I just don't care to write it. Everyone already knows. Maybe I'll do it later. Not likely. Many things happen in the forest of the spirits... You must be wary.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Blog archive now spans 5 years. Oh. Tomorrow will be the 3rd cancelled day of school this semester. That might tie the number of cancelled days I've had since starting school. I don't remember. I just gave all my World of Warcraft money to Homer. Dohohoho.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Preseason Stats
Weight: 134.25 Pounds
Height: 5 Feet 7.75 Inches

I chose a Spicy Chicken Sandwich Medium Combo with a Dr. Pepper from Wendy's as my last Fast Food Meal of 2010. I threw it all up within two hours. Price of sniffs.

It wasn't a bad New Years Celebration, it just wasn't perfect. That's okay, good things can come from imperfect beginnings. I made it through the first day without eating fast food. My mom almost tricked me by saying "There's some zaxby's in the fridge that we got today if you want some for dinner." Not so fast Gunga Din. I pulled up some recipes for recipeeing later this week. Here's hoping they turn out all right.