Friday, December 14, 2007


It's over. The first semester of my college experience has come to an end. I packed up my stuff and am now comfortably back at home. Christmas break has begun.

I am looking forward to relaxing most of the next few weeks. I am sure poker, video games, and movies will take up a large portion of my holiday, but I'm also looking forward to spending time with family and friends. Everyone should be getting back to Georgia soon, and I'm sure there will be plenty to do. I really want to play some board games. I should count how many different games my family plays this Christmas.

The stars were beautiful tonight, I wish I could've taken a picture. I like pictures. I sometimes write on this blog just so I can post a new picture. I don't know if I'll ever go back and read some of the ramblings I write, but I know I'll always go back and look at all my pictures. I just think it's fun.

I should be sleeping, but I'm not really tired. I have no idea how much time I actually spent asleep this past week. One thing's for sure, it wasn't enough. I really should be exhausted right now. I'll probably crash around noon and wont wake up until 3:00 in the morning. Meh, whatever happens today is going to be a great day.

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