Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hey! Hier Kommt Alex!

I'm unreasonably sad right now. I don't know why, but it's making me believe that sadness is an inevitable part of life, which in turn makes me less happy. Why does it seem like so many people are miserable? Life really shouldn't be that bad. If I think about it logically, I should be pretty content right now. I'm at my house, in my own bed, and I don't have to go to any classes tomorrow. Yet I'm finding myself unable to sleep and not in a particularly good mood. The depression that seems to come with the night is getting kind of old. I think I worry too much about the future and the past. I also worry a lot about others.

A student died from Meningitis recently. That's really scary, especially since I never got the vaccine. I don't believe that I'll get Meningitis, but I guess it's better to be safe then dead. It really sucks when people die. I think I'll stay alive as long as I can just so that other people in my family don't have to go to my funeral. Because funerals suck too. I don't know if I want one. Besides the fact that people who care about the dead person are all sad, people that don't care about the dead person don't really want to be there. I don't want anyone who doesn't care about me to be at my funeral. I'm sure there probably is going to be some 4 year old kid there who may have met me once in his life, but doesn't really care about me at all. He would rather be at home playing his Playstation 15 and I would rather him do that.

It was my 19th birthday this past weekend. I had a whole bunch written about the craziness that was Thursday through Sunday, but apparently my computer decided that it's better off not being posted. I really hate when my computer messes up. My distaste for dealing with computer problems is also making me second guess the major I have chosen for my education. Actually, I think I'll enjoy Computer Science once I get all these initial crappy classes out of the way and can really focus on it.

I really don't know the purpose these Posts serve. I didn't even really feel like writing this one. I just did it because it seemed like the thing to do.

*Note to self: Use the word "really" less often.

Last day of class: 2 days
Last day of exams: 10 days
Christmas: 21 days
New Years: 28 days
Trip to Vegas: 728 days

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