Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Legend of Captain Alex: Page 1

I first met Captain Alex at the Sultan Abdul Samad Building in Kuala Lumpur. He seemed fascinated with the building's clock tower, which I believe must be at least 40 meters high. Anyway, that's besides the point. The point is this. He was drinking Teh Tarik Peng. No, no that's not the point either. Why am I writing this? Oh right, money. I don't get paid to stand here and roll quarters. Although I'd be good at that job. Well, until my shoulder goes out. Which would probably take 55 minutes. Being not a highly skilled job, this rolling quarters, I probably wouldn't get more than minimum wage. And that is why I, Argee Leroy Johnson IV am a writer. Writing this story of the semi-famous Captain Alex. What's that you say? You've never heard of the semi-famous Captain Alex? Ah well today is your lucky day... Unless you can't read. In which case you can't tell that I'm making fun of you right now while typing this worthless paragraph. Although I guess you wouldn't be able to tell anyway, since this isn't a video or tape recorder. I'm actually not even making fun of anybody right now, I just thought that needed to be said. Although it didn't really need to be said. But does anything really need to be said? Not by me probably. Anyway YOU! YOU have purchased this book! Hopefully from Borders or Amazon, but I won't judge you if you happened to get it from another location. I get paid either way. And so we begin. And by we, I mean I. And of course Captain Alex. For it is his legend in which I choose to speak of.

1 comment:

ruchachaaa said...

da fuck?
write a short story.