Thursday, December 13, 2007

one day I'll have something interesting to say.

It's midnight. I have my last final in eight hours. I'm not as concerned about it as I should be. I'm ready for this semester to be over. It probably won't take me long to get bored once I get home.

I want to play soccer. I'm really going to miss playing once the high school season starts. That was one of the few highlights I remember from school. I was never as good as I should've been. I didn't try hard enough. Well, I should say I didn't work hard enough. I played hard but my body was never as strong as it should've been. I can't remember the last time I truly tried to do my best at something. Probably 10th grade. Maybe. I've wasted so much time. I waste so much time. I really can't complain though, my life is so easy. I do feel pretty pointless on occasion; I need more ambition. I regret a lot of things... Like those hashbrowns on Tuesday.

This pizza has too much crust. It's 1/3 of the slice!

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