Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 7027

I think next year will be a really good year. I'm looking forward to it. I'm so unproductive right now. I officially need to find a new future for myself.

I treat college the same as I treated high school. I don't study until the day I have a test. I don't do my homework. I get to class late. I don't learn much of anything.

I need a job. Nothing would make me happier than working at Chuck E. Cheese's. Actually, I can think of a lot of things that would make me happier, but I still would enjoy a job there. Buh, I'm tired. But not sleepy.

I'm ready for Spring Break. What do I have planned? Nothing. It's perfect.

I'm about to go to McDonalds at 1:46 in the morning. I'm not hungry. What a weird life. This is not how I imagined this year to be. I wonder how it would be if I was at UNC.

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