Saturday, February 16, 2008

That's The Way

It's funny how you try to get away from things, but generally it just makes them worse.

I'm kind of getting tired of my college life. I'm really beginning to consider taking a year off next year. I keep telling myself that's a bad idea, but it might be what I want to do. What I want. Agricultural Engineering, Computer Science, Education, Food Science... I don't know what is mine.

I can't make people happy.

Video games, TV shows, Books, Sandwiches. That's what I have to look forward to when I get home. I'll work out today. That's a temporary solution that's actually beneficial. I could've actually had fun last night, but I had pretty much already made the decision not to. Blah blah blah. Whine Whine Whine. Hey my dad just made some steak... Now if only I enjoyed steak as much as other people.

I can't win at poker anymore. That's when you know something is wrong with you. I don't even feel like playing. Money doesn't make me happy anyway.

There aren't any chairs on my dock anymore.

My dog is eating dead flowers and wood. She's silly.

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