Friday, February 15, 2008

This post doesn't deserve a title, so instead I'm going to type until they don't let me anymore. Which might actually be longer than I initially expe

Well, thank God that week is over. Sunday sucked, which is always a bad way to start the week. Monday was better, but only because I escaped to my house. Tuesday was actually a pretty great day. Wednesday...what happened on Wednesday? Oh yeah, I slept through all my classes. I need to stop doing that. Thursday was dedicated to studying for / taking a Geology test. That, and it was Valentine's day. Worthless day.

Valentine's day wouldn't bother me if it weren't for other people moping about. Cause you know, feeling sorry for yourself makes everything better. Everyone has their own problems and all that good stuff, but it does get old. Eventually you just have to get over it. I should take my own advice. I'm the same.

LOST was pretty good. I like that show. Best part of the day.

Anyway, Friday. Today. Woke up and studied for a religion test for 3 hours, and then I took the test. I need to put more effort into school. I need to get out of this dorm. I need to find something I actually enjoy. Price of sniffs.

This weekend will most likely suck, but whatever. The best thing I did this week was make the cleaning lady smile today. That actually makes it all worth it.

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