Monday, February 11, 2008

Night Flight

If something is supposed to happen, it will. I'm supposed to go home today and eat a tasty sandwich, who am I to defy the natural order of things? It can't be changed, it's already happening.


Update: I'm home now and it feels great. Sometimes you just have to get away. Today was that day. I was lucky that my brother happened to stay in Athens all weekend despite saying he was going home on Friday. He also was planning on going home right when I called to see if he was in town. Coincidence? Probably.

I didn't actually get to eat a tasty sandwich. Instead I had rice bean taco taco. I'm feeling the after affects right now.

I almost had another panic attack today. Yay for sucking at life. Life is a big part of day to day activity, so it's pretty sad that I suck at it. Oh well. I might change my major, or maybe I'll quit school. It's been suggested. It's time to reevaluate why I am at school in the first place.

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