Saturday, February 9, 2008

mumble numble

Ah, another week at the University of Georgia. Good times.... great oldies, Fox 97.1. I have a cut on my hand and my nose that I'm not too pleased about. I'm so hungry too. I think I'll do homework today! I love my life. Seriousness. I wish I had a louder phone though. That's one thing that's really annoying, not being able to hear people. Especially my brother, and he says that I mumble. Mumble mumble. ...

I despise cigarettes. So much. I'm so hungry. This isn't going anywhere. I guess that's when you know you're happy. When you don't have anything to complain about. My mouth tastes like a really nasty vegetable. I guess I could've just said vegetable and made the same point. I wonder why God didn't make vegetables tastier. Good ole God, nothing beats that. My TV is so bloody small. Mumble mumble. ...

I don't remember my dream from last night. That's always sad. I just saw a girl walk up the stairs in the most pitiful fashion. She was cute though. And in the end, I guess that's what truly matters. I think it's time to go into seclusion for a while. Ha, I just realized that might be taken the wrong way. That string of thoughts there, that I just been writtening. Well, it's not that.

I wish my room would hurry up and clean itself. It's really beginning to get on my nerves. It smells like Chan de Maru. And you may ask yourself, what is the point of any of this? And then you realize that life is confusing, and it's best not to be thought about. And then you become comfortably numb.

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